How Does Herd Management Software Make Your Tasks Easier?
There is a lot of ways you may choose to take for easily managing the processes that you track at your operation.

Milking and distribution of feeds are among the countless daily tasks to be performed at farms. Farmers have to track a wide range of important tasks like conduct of pregnancy check, heat diagnoses and insemination follow-ups, monitoring of diseases and their vaccination and treatment procedures, beside attending their daily routines. Tracking all these procedures in an orderly manner not only makes it easier to handle the tasks on time, but also allows an overall reduction in many cost items, and thus increasing productivity.
In addition to milking and feed distribution cycles performed daily, there is a lot of processes and procedures for the tracking of farm animals.
Tracking such procedures with the help of a software program has critical importance for ensuring both higher yield gains and reductions in costs.
Those business undertakings which are professionally engaged in dairy cattle and grazing cattle farming practices make use of sophisticated computer software for tracking all their processes, even if they have only 10 to 15 livestock in possession. Beyond establishing and maintaining control over the operating expenses, it is possible to easily plan daily tasks with individual tracking of animals. Thus you can manage your entire operation without any difficulties, in an orderly and productive manner.
Being or becoming a farm operator in a contemporary sense, leans on managing the farm at world standards, while the rules for becoming an affluent businessman relies on getting support from IT sector in livestock breeding, as is the case with many other branches of professional engagement.
By managing every process in your farm in an orderly and controllable manner, you can make your effort more valuable and unwittingly render your lost income, more efficient.
The system will send you automatic reminders of many tasks. For instance, you will not have to personally track the dry off times.
Have you ever had a cow that you were expecting to be pregnant in vain because of a late conducted pregnancy check?
Put an end to the burden of searching for data in your scheduling calendar or Excel files once and for good. Have all data available for access at any time of need, on your cellphone.
The Vaccination calendar and its auto-generated reminders help reduce the risk of omitting any particular vaccination process in a cyclic routine.Reminders for drying off eliminate the potential risk of milking the cattle in the final period.
Plan and organise well, and never miss or delay drying off the animals in the farm, management of their calving dates and grouping of the herd.
Mastitis tracking and temperature check within the bulk milk tank is only a few of countless features integrated into the software, brought to your disposal. You may easily track multiple tasks from a single spot within your operation.
Nowadays, increasingly more numbers of farm operators, including families owning more than 10 animals learn and personally experience the benefits of implementing herd management software in terms of savings in overall costs. MilkingCloud Herd Management Software is the first and most prominent helper of thousands of operations worldwide with simplicity and user/friendly design, as well as highly sophisticated features and functions addressing thousands of operators.
MilkingCloud Herd Management Software has been developed with guidance and support of an overwhelming number of scholars and lecturers from Schools of Veterinary Medicine and Computer Engineering Departments. From the first day it was introduced for use in the field, it was constantly improved and optimised according to the requirements of different types of operations in many places of the world. With the continuous improvements achieved since 2008, MilkingCloud now serves thousands of ranchers as the most sophisticated Herd Management Software of the world.

If you say yes to all of the questions below, then you can use MilkingCloud.
1. Do you own a smart phone or PC? Do you have live Internet access?
2. Are you ready to spend 10 minutes a day to enter regular data for the sake of your farm?
3. Are you aware that you should track your cows one by one, in connection with tasks at hand like heat, insemination, drying off and calving?
4. Have you ever forgotten things even once in a while?
5. If you had a helper to remind you about your work, do you believe that you could work more efficiently?