How many liters of milk does a cow give per year?
Among the cow breeds, Holstein 6000-9000 kg, Brown 5000-7000 kg, Simmental 5000-7000 kg and Jerseys 4000-5000 kg. give milk annually.

Cow breeds are among the most curious topics especially for dairy farms and those who want to develop business in this sector. Because only a farm with high milk yield can survive and increase its profitability. As such, the most frequently asked question is how many liters of milk does a cow give according to breeds? Should we buy Simmental or Holstein? Can I find financial incentives if I buy a cow with a high daily milk yield? What if I can't detect estrus?
It seems that farmers or investors are quite confused about this issue. Of course, there is no single answer to all this, so in this content we will explain everything about milk yield in detail.
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What Factors Depends on Milk Yield?
Factors affecting milk yield in cows vary. Apart from natural factors such as breed, age and body weight, conditions related to care, geography and follow-up are also important for milk yield. Factors such as lactation period, number of milkings per day, heat, nutrition, environmental temperature, calving season, dry period, diseases and exercise are some of the issues affecting milk yield. So it is not strange that the answer to the question "How many liters of milk does a cow give?" depends on how she is cared for.
How Many Liters of Milk Does a Cow Give Per Year According to Breeds?
Cow breeds are one of the main factors determining milk quantity. Even if all other factors are ideal, the limit of genetic structure cannot be exceeded. Unless genetic ability is supported by care, good results cannot be obtained, and it is pointless to expect yield from cows without genetic ability. The cows with the highest yield are culture breeds. Holstein 6000-9000 kg, Brown 5000-7000 kg, Simmental 5000-7000 kg and Jerseys 4000-5000 kg of milk per year. Unfortunately, milk yields of local breeds are low.

Heat Detection is Important
Those who already have a dairy farm have experienced how important heat detection is. Heat means calf and calf means lactation. Regardless of the breed, a cowโs milk production depends on giving birth. Therefore, it is very important to detect estrus and inseminate. Although heat detection is sometimes very easy, we often encounter hidden heat situations. So what should we do? The answer is quite simple to use the Actimoo heat detection system. This device is a simple pedometer worn around the neck of animals. It detects heat by tracking the movement of your animals and sends a notification to your mobile phone, so you can call your vet immediately for insemination.
If you are not satisfied with this information, click here to go to our Actimoo heat detection page. Do not miss the heat.