The Entire Herd at a Glance...
Manage Your Herd On a Single Screen With MilkingCloud Smart Herd Management Software!

Cattle farmers have to track many operations at the same time. actively engage in feed production and farming practices, while at the same time, manage milking, check for diseases, testing, insemination and pregnancy tasks. All these tasks contain procedures that must be remembered for each cattle individually. The ability to track all procedures in a single, common program enables the user not only to find works done retrospectively but also manage all the plans and set necessary reminders by each task from a single location.
Cattle farmers have to track many operations at the same time. actively engage in feed production and farming practices, while at the same time, manage milking, check for diseases, testing, insemination and pregnancy tasks. All these tasks contain procedures that must be remembered for each cattle individually. The ability to track all procedures in a single, common program enables the user not only to find works done retrospectively but also manage all the plans and set necessary reminders by each task from a single location.
MilkingCloud Herd Management Software helps you with recording all necessary processes of dairy and beef operations. But beyond that, it allows you to view all your animals on a single screen, depending on their statuses. This way, you can easily track the entire herd on a single screen with their changing statuses, in real time.
What is Herd Overview?
You can create lists based on actual conditions of your cows with this intelligent module, which we call ‘Herd Overview’. Furthermore, you can reveal what stage a cow is currently going through, in an insemination, pregnancy or calving process (in terms of days passed) on the horizontal time scale.

Animals in Open Position
You may take a look at the column titled “Heat” state, to manage animals in open position and not inseminated. An animal keeps rolling under this column in a 21-day cycle until inseminated. Animals listed towards the end of the column are those that converge their oestrous cycles historically.

Inseminated Animals
Inseminated animals, on the other hand, start moving towards the right in a row based on the date of their insemination. However, when they reach the designated pregnancy date, they are put on hold in the red zone between the “Inseminated” and “Pregnancy” columns. You are then able to select those animals that need to be taken to pregnancy check, right away.

Pregnant Animals
Similarly, pregnant animals were dispersed under the Pregnancy column depending on number of days elapsed in pregnancy. The animals held in the red area between gestation and Dry Off are those which are yet to be dried off. You may review the animals which need to be dried off by examining this field.

What Advantages Does MilkingCloud Herd Management Software Offer?
You can get answers for the following questions quickly by looking at a single screen. :
1. How many animals are standing open in MilkingCloud?
2. How many animals are there with pregnancy check closing?
3. How many of animals in pregnant state are close to delivery?
4. How many animals are there with closing Dry Off Period?
5. How many animals are getting close to birth?
6. How is the daily distribution of pregnancies in MilkingCloud?
7. Are most of my animals freshly pregnant or close to the end of gestation?